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Convert audio recordings

recordings made in ABSONIC can be converted back and forth to other file formats or to other file formats that are supported by the speech signal converters (codecs) installed on the processing computer (e.g. OGG, WMA, MPEG4, PCM, AAC, etc.).

  • AB2 (proprietary, compressed format) - the advantage is a high degree of compression, making it difficult to manipulate due to a unique format. The disadvantage is that playback is only possible with ABSONIC v2 software or ABSONIC v2 player. Subject to legality, the recording can be converted to other formats. It can also be used with strong encryption.
  •  ACR - Encrypted version of AB2 format. Only playable with ABSONIC v2 on the computer on which the audio was recorded. If copied to a non-encrypted folder, the encryption is lost.
  • ABS (proprietary compressed format) - advantage of high compression, unique format makes manipulation difficult. Disadvantage: can only be played back with ABSONIC v2 software or ABSONIC v2 player. The ABSONIC v2 software no longer supports this format for recording.
  • WAV - has the advantage of being very widespread and can be listened to with any software or MP3 player. Its disadvantage is its relatively large file size (no compression) and easy manipulation. It can be used also with strong encryption.
  • WCR - encrypted version of the WAV format. Only playable with ABSONIC v2 on the computer on which the audio was recorded. If copied to a non-encrypted folder, the encryption is lost.
  • MP3 - the advantage is a high degree of compression and widespread use, software support, but the disadvantage is the reliance on complex mathematical algorithms (higher resource demand in case of recording), vulnerability and manipulability. It can only be used for one-channel, manual recording. Format NOT usable with strong encryption.
  • MCR - encrypted version of MP3 format. Only playable with ABSONIC v2 on the computer on which the audio was recorded. If copied to a non-encrypted folder, the encryption is lost.
  • Through the operating system's multimedia system, the audio formats installed on the system (OGG, WMA, ASF, etc.) can be used for conversion.

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