100 units / month online Microsoft Azure Basic Speech Recognition and Translation subscription - without specialised language training

4 000 Ft

1 Microsoft Azure unit means the following:

  • 1 minute of non-logged* online speech recognition or
  • 1 minute of speech translation (in over 100 languages) or
  • 1 minute of speech speaker identification (for English) or
  • 1 minute speech language identification (pre-set automatically from up to six languages)

What are 100 Microsoft Azure units per month enough for? (A4 page, font size 12)

  • 27 pages of text or
  • dictate 12-15 pages or
  • 27 pages for translation

The expiry date of the units included in the subscription is the 1st of the following month. Unused remaining units cannot be accumulated and will be lost.

*Non-logged online speech recognition: Microsoft does not log the audio and the text or translation made from it, and does not use it to improve the system. This is more expensive but the only acceptable solution from a privacy point of view.

The average accuracy of speech recognition is about 90%, which may require manual corrections. Accuracy depends, among other things, on the speakers' speaking ability, ambient noise, quality of microphones, quality of speech regeneration, quality of info-communication lines/channels, etc.

Online speech recognition and translation is provided through Microsoft or Google's systems on servers abroad, for which you can choose from our monthly subscriptions in our Related Products or register directly to Microsoft Azure / Google Cloud.

Basic speech recognition without a language model of your own (language training).

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