DICSTATION - real-time dictation with punctuation, speech recording and text storage

With online speech recognition, dictation is automatically converted into character text. During/after dictation, the recognised text can be corrected. Punctuation, case shifts, corrections, etc. can also be done with speech control. The audio of the dictation can be stored, transmitted and processed together with the transcription.

  • With DICSTATION, digitisation can be introduced in areas where manual, keyboard-based writing is not feasible.
  • When using executive dictation, considerable (typing) time and money can be saved.
  • Support for people with reduced mobility if they cannot use their hands at all or only partially for simple operations (e.g. moving the cursor)
  • Industrial and technological processes (IPAR 4.0) can be controlled in this way, which requires customisation to ensure control security.

The functions available in the general text fields can be used in all software (cursor movement, text input, deletion, selection, etc.), but the following applications currently use the specific functions of each software in English:

  • Some features of Windows Control
  • Some features of Mozilla Firefox
  • Gmail
  • Google Docs
  • Thunderbird Mailbox
  • Microsoft Word
  • IBM Lotus Notes
  • Microsoft Outlook Mailer

The current list of control commands can be found on the ABSONIC USB stick.

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